Lit fireplace in the center of two beige couches. The tile is rustic and comprised of a blend of brown and earth-tone tiles. A tasteful Iridescent custom-cut trim lines the border alongside brown tiles in an acorn motif.
This fireplace tile is rustic and comprised of a blend of brown and earth-tone tiles. A tasteful Iridescent custom-cut trim lines the border alongside brown tiles in an acorn motif.
Lit fireplace in the center of two beige couches. The tile is rustic and comprised of a blend of brown and earth-tone tiles. A tasteful Iridescent custom-cut trim lines the border alongside brown tiles in an acorn motif.
This fireplace tile is rustic and comprised of a blend of brown and earth-tone tiles. A tasteful Iridescent custom-cut trim lines the border alongside brown tiles in an acorn motif.

Oak Leaf Fireplace

A traditional Arts & Crafts color palette showcasing our Iroquois blend of 3x3 tiles with Iridescent accents. The fireplace boasts a custom oak leaf border accentuated by 2x2 acorn tile motifs. 

Glazes Used: A18 Mustard, A42 Chestnut, A84 Bark, Fer3 Cinnamon, J1 Deep Rust, BG5 Iridescent Blush

Tiles Used: 2x2, 3x3, 2x4, 6x6, 9041 Trim, 3x6 Oak Leaf Border, B042 Mantel Cap