We purchased our large Blaauw production kiln in 1999. Over the past two decades, the art this kiln has helped to create has enriched thousands of homes and community spaces. This indispensable workhorse has now come to the end of its life, and we’ve commissioned a new, 144 cubic foot Blaauw kiln to replace it. This $200,000 kiln will be even more energy efficient and reliable, and serve as our primary production kiln.
The donations received so far have funded the creation of the new kiln. The kiln has traveled across the Atlantic Ocean and is on its way to Detroit. We are asking for your help to finish funding the installation of this critical investment, which will support Pewabic for decades to come.
Please “light our fire” with a donation to help install this state-of-the-art kiln.
Your gift today will go twice as far, thanks to a $70,000 matching grant from the Michigan Arts and Culture Council. Please give and help ensure that Detroit’s pottery remains a vibrant cultural treasure, enriching the human spirit for generations to come.